Me Me Me "Innocent"

How was your weekend? I'm leaving my post so late this weekend because I've been punishing myself in the gym. Yesterday was leg day, so I didn't feel like being my usually witty self, as I could barely move.
I may be being dramatic.

But this is my review! I got this nail varnish from a Glossy Box a while ago. I hadn't used it yet, but I wanted a neutral colour for work. My nails are growing a lot quicker and a lot stronger because of my exercising and healthy eating, so I really like how this colour turned out. I think if I was to have much shorter nails then I wouldn't have gotten the desired effect. 

You can see it's like a cream colour and gives the look of a manicured tip.

I also really like the brush. It's shorter and fatter than most nail varnish brushes and it was really easy to apply because of it. It dries really quickly and doesn't smell as strong as other nail varnishes either!

I'd recommend it! 

I'll let you know how it fares with regards to chipping. 

So how has your weekend been? 


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