What's changed?

So, quite a bit has happened since I disappeared off the radar. I lost weight, I went to Germany for my brothers wedding, I put weight back on, I got a new job aaaand I am losing weight again. 
A whirlwind of emotions, one might say. 

This is a picture of my family and my new family! (I'm the one in the red dress who put on some considerable chunk drinking beer and eating bread. Lots of bread.)

Below is me and my big brother (not the one who was getting married that day!). And by big I mean he's 6"5. His face says it all about my heaviness. 

Below - my now married brother Mark and my sister in law, Lisa. They both look fabulous!

Below are some pictures of my sight seeing in Germany including finding a Happiness station, finally getting my Harry Potter wand and buying a t-shirt with a pug on. Another one.


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