What did I find in my bag this morning?

My bag

Have you ever woken up after a night out and found the most random things in your purse or pockets?
I've woken up a few times with cocktail mixers in my bag, napkins, leaflets and sometimes a random shot glass. I once even woke up with mini brownies in my bag, that was an unexpected treat!

So this morning I thought I'd show you what my bag essentials are - the day after.

A debit card and ID is an obvious one, of course. ID is still required when you're 5"2. Sigh.
I also have some money left over, which is a bonus, as I do remember shouting a few times, "No, no, this is MY round!"

Bubbaloo and Dollybeads! At this 30th, my friend Nic being the absolute legend she is, had a vintage sweet stall. There were also flying saucers, popping candy, flumps, sherbert, etc. It was awesome.
Being the adults we are, myself and 3 of the girls I work with all donned a Dolly bead and had a war with them (remember what you did with them in school? Bit them in half and flung them from the elastic? This kept us entertained for at least 30 minutes and left the table in a mess).
I also woke up with blue marks all over my neck from where I'd slept with one on. Classy bird. 

Eyeliner, specifically Maybelline Master Drama, is something I always carry around when I'm wearing it on my bottom lashes. I always needs to touch up, so if I forget it, I tend to hyperventilate.

I wore Maybelline Colorsensational Cream Gloss in Ivory Beige over the top of my Kate Moss lipstick to give it a shine. I love this lipgloss, and although it does last very long and is a bit sticky, it smells beautiful and looks it too.

Mini deodorant. Who invented these? They are geniuses. It's much better than paying the woman who sits in the bathroom for a spray when you've got a handy one in your purse. If you don't have these on a night out, invest in them!

And last, but not least, my perfume. Flora by Gucci. This was in a set of Gucci perfumes my boyfriend bought me a while ago, and it's very handy for a night out and smells lovely! 

So - what do you find in your purse after a hefty night out? 

Tell me your most random ones, I'd love to know! :)

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

xXx Furf xXx


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