Cheat days - yes or no?

I've heard from countless people who are in fantastic shape that they will treat themselves to a treat day. The only thing that seems to vary is how much and how often. 

For example, one of my male friends who is in extremely good shape, says chocolate tastes better if he only has it once a month. He has maintained his physique for approximately 6 years and is still going strong. 

But one of my female friends, who is also in very good shape and has maintained her weight loss for years, has a cheat day every Sunday and eats whatever she fancies. She says it is easier for her to resist the 6 days of the week when she knows on the 7th she can indulge. 

I figured if I'm going to have a cheat day, it should be Sunday. I'm always off on a Sunday, which means I can choose what I buy and what is in front of me. (I work in a call centre, so if my cheat day was mid-week in a place where there is always temptation, I would eat more than I wanted to). I tried it yesterday and I decided on a cheat meal instead (bananas with low fat custard, not exactly crazy, but it was tasty!) 

So what do you do? 

Do you have a cheat day? When is it? How much do you allow yourself? 

Or do you avoid it?


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