Simple Blackhead Eliminating Face Scrub

I've always been a fan of Simply. It's the only brand, except for Johnsons, that I can use on my skin as a cleanser and not have a horrible reaction to it. And for the longest time, it was the only product I would use to get rid of my spots as a teenager! 

As I've grown I've branched out of course. But when my blackheads became incredibly bad over the past few weeks, I thought I would search for a solution. I have a friend in work who is all about natural products, and she has the best skin I know.

So I searched for something natural at first and someone suggested steaming your face and then immediately applying cold water. I have to say this worked well, but it's difficult to steam effectively in a bathroom as small as mine, so I hopped on board for a scrub.

This scrub boasts "Results from Day 1". Now, I don't know what results they mean, because I'm unimpressed.

I'm sorry Simple, I love you, but I cannot lie. This product sucks. 

I've used this twice a day for 5 days and I've seen a slight reduction (which I honestly put down more to my exercising, healthy eating and increase in water than anything else). It's such a shame because the little beads really make you feel like it's working. 

But if anything, it left a strange moist residue on my nose that just made it greasy, even after applying foundation and a finishing powder.

So the verdict, girls? Don't bother. 

Stick to steaming, if you have the space and time, it works much better and is free! 

Does anyone else have any suggestions for getting rid of blackheads? I'd love to hear them! 

Tweet me @ThatFurf or comment below my darlings :)

xXx Furf xXx


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