George Nail Varnish in "Giggle"


I bought this nail varnish a while ago but never had a time to match it with anything. Until last night.

I was a little nervous as I'd never used it before and never had a review from anyone else either. And it can sometimes be said that if you buy cheap, you buy twice. It was around £1.75 after all.

I was pleasantly surprised. It dries incredibly quickly, which is a huge bonus for me because there is nothing I hate more than waiting around for nail varnish to dry. I feel like I may as well have no fingers. To give you an example, it dries a lot faster than Barry M. But then again, the only downside of Barry M is that it takes approximately 17,000 hours to completely dry.

After a night at an engagement party, it hasn't chipped. And it hasn't chipped all day, either. I'll let you know how it fairs at the gym! ;)

The colour is also really bold and only need two applications to get the colour you see in the picture above. It was really easy to apply and I'm really impressed with it. 

If you're looking to not splash out but want a good quality product, then buy this. It's definitely worth the pennies in your pocket! 


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