What is your inspiration?

So I started a new job a few weeks ago and someone had mentioned to me that I hadn't updated my blog in a while. My first honest though was that I didn't have anything to write about as I hadn't bought anything new in a while and also - I've been focusing so much on the gym and eating well that it has come second for a while.

Then I tried to think back about my routine over the past few weeks. My new job, for the same company but a different location, is much closer. So I've had more time to actually apply my make up and take care in how I look every day - and not just on the days when I get up at the crack of dawn.

It's also allowed me more time to go the gym as well as working out with Fitness Blender. And it's honestly made me feel better and much ore confident in myself.

I really do think that's plenty to think about and write about. About my focus and how much as a person I've changed because of this blog and because of the inspiration of fellow gym-goers on facebook, instagram and twitter.

What are your inspirations when it comes to how you look and feel? 

A year ago, I was eating McDonalds two to three times a day. I was having Domino's Pizza at least three times a week. If I went to the cinema, I'd have to have full fat coke and chocolate. Diet Coke was simply not an option and I was doing all of this with zero exercise. In fact, I was exercising less as I'd gotten a new car and was travelling so far for work. No buses, no walking. Nothing!

But not only was this affecting how I look, but also how I felt. I felt down, I relied heavily on caffeine drinks to stay awake which meant the caffeine would trigger off my anxiety, I couldn't sleep from worry at times just because I'd had so much sugar during the day. I felt worthless. My clothes didn't fit and neither did my personality. I didn't feel like me any more.

Now I can't remember the last time I had fast food and I regularly exercise, sometimes 6 times a week. My inspiration has to be how calm I feel, how focused. I drink water instead of coke, I'll have salad or a sandwich instead of fast food. If I have a bad day, I can kick box the frustration out and feel better inside and out. My inspiration is unlocking the happier me.

And what is more beautiful than someone who is truly happy?

I may have just thrown up in my mouth from all this cheese. But I also can't deny it's true.

So what is your inspiration when it comes to making yourself look and feel good? I want to know! <3


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