Viktor & Rolf BonBon

This picture does not belong to me!

I am a huge fan of Viktor & Rolf perfumes. My boyfriend bought me Flowerbomb for Christmas and I haven't been able to get enough of it and unfortunately I am running out. 

So when I visited the Trafford last week and saw this sexy little bottle, I bee lined to get myself a tester! 

Now some of you who have tried Flowerbomb may know that it is a strong smell, it lasts a long time and you can always tell when someone has it on. This works well if you wear it all day like I do, although I do know some people who find the smell overpowering and can't wear it. 

BonBon is everything good about Flowerbomb, without that extra strong smell. It is sweet, a playful kind of smell (did I just say that?) and I cannot wait to buy it. But don't worry! Just because it's not super strong doesn't mean you can't tell when you're wearing it. My friend Grace had it on in work today and I could tell straight away (without getting so close that it became an actual proximity problem). 

It's an (expensive) but beautiful product. And the look of the bottle is just so adorable. Splash out on a loved one or yourself, it really is beautiful inside and out! 


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