Lots of Pretty Things.

To those of you who read my blog in the UK, which will be most of you, as you'll know the weather this weekend has been beautiful. Crackin' the flags, some might say! (Is that a northern saying?)
So I ventured into Liverpool with my best friend to enjoy the sunshine and cause some GBH to my credit card. 
I ate good food (Barburrito), had some refreshing drinks (Starbucks, of course) and spent money! It was a lovely day, although my credit card wasn't the only thing that was injured. My feet + high heels + cobbles = bad times. 

So I'm currently hobbling, but have some beautiful clothes which is a bonus! I also visited Hotel Chocolat (if you've never been here, you must go, it's a spectacular place!) to buy a gift for my boyfriend (I'm nice like that) and also went to the Museum on the Albert Docks! 
The museum was extremely creepy (walking underground in a makeshift cabin complete with weird mannequins and loud noises) but was educational, which is always a good thing. 

I also took the time out to catch up with my best friend on life! She is currently working with a Production Company and so we both discussed what is up and coming for us and what we want to achieve. It was nice to be sitting on steps, people scattered everywhere, ice cream vans, hot sun, cool breeze, sipping an Innocent smoothie and musing about life. 

It's days like that that make me appreciative and glad that I can enjoy such things. 

I hope you all had a beautiful day too :) 

I hope you enjoy the pictures and random musings. 

Until next time :)

xXx Furf xXx

 The whole lot!

This hat completely went with the outfit I was wearing (pictures of the outfit will get put up later on today once they've been sent to me!) and is extremely cute. The flower is also removable if you wanted to mix it up!

I know what you're probably thinking. White leggings? Really? 
And no, I've not gone mad. And no, I'm not remaking a Wham video. 
Remember that sheer white dress I bought from Primark not long ago? It's incredibly see through. So I'm thinking white leggings, white top, nice wedges and the dress will look nice - we shall see though!

A Marvel top. Speaks for itself really.

My absolute favourite purchase of the day. I originally wanted these babies in white, but they had none left in my size (I have been to two Primark stores and found this, devastated). But they are still a beautiful purchase and if my feet have recovered, will look forward to wearing these in work tomorrow. 

These tops are practical more than anything - a vest top with a bra fitted in for £2.50?
I've died and gone to female heaven. 

Cropped work pants! I fancied something a bit different than the usual work gear, and what with the weather heating up, decided to branch out. I think these, with my new shoes and a white shirt will look fabulous. 

Ever since my New Look blue blazer purchase (which I can finally admit that I wear way too much) I've been searching for another blazer purchase and today I found it. 
Cannot wait to wear this!


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