How Do You Organise Your Make-Up? A Plea for Help.

(FYI: This is not a picture of my actual stuff. Although I wish it was, there are some good products here! Also, not my pic.)

So, I was looking for a concealer yesterday that I could have sworn I'd bought, but it had gone AWOL, so I ventured into some make up drawers that I hadn't looked at since moving house (about two months ago). And then I found this really great nail varnish that I forgot I even had! Baby Blue Barry M (you know how much I love my Barry M), and then I found a top coat of glitter for it as well! 
Totally buzzing. Felt like I had new stuff again! 
And of course then I found that make up brush that I loved. Amaze-balls, as Nicole Shirt-Slinger would say. 
And so I gathered up my old/new stuff and cuddled it for a while. Planning when I would wear it next, the new memories we would build together, when I realised I completely forgot about the bloody concealer I was looking for. 
So I took a step back and thought, ffs, I have no organisation skills at all.
And I also have the attention span of a Fairground goldfish. 

I may have rambled there, but you get my point. 

So how do you organise your make up? I currently have two big drawers in my vanity table, a chest of 3 smaller drawers and some odd bits of everything in boxes I still haven't fully unpacked. (I call moving the full box into another box unpacking). But there is no theme, it's just all thrown in together, lipglosses laying with cotton buds, having absolutely no regard for the system! Seriously, I need to organise stuff.

I tried valiantly to organise my make-up brushes last week and stole the toothbrush holder from the bathroom, so they look all fab, but now there's no where for the toothbrushes to go. You could say it's pandemonium in here. The toothbrushes are just hanging out on the sink, it's sad almost, like when your neighbours cat sits outside your house meowing and you want to feed it, but then you know it won't go away. I feel like that about my toothbrushes. Srsly. 

Mary Poppins could be in my house, clicking her fingers and she would just give up. She'd be taking her never ending bag and returning to where ever she came from.

I need help, guys. 

Can someone pass on some organisational skills before I start wading through lipgloss and mascara? 


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