The Budding Benefits of Benefit

When I first started my big make-up journey, it was when I was around 21. I had never had expensive make up before, and when I did have any make up at all, it was foundation, eye liner - done. (As you can imagine, I didn't look my best. I didn't even know what contouring was. At one point I thought it was minor plastic surgery.) 
So on my 21st birthday my boyfriend took me to get some expensive make-up. I'd been to Debenham's with a friend a few months earlier when she had some money come through and she'd bought lots of make-up from a brand called Benefit. I'd never heard of them before, but they did her make-up and she looked great, so when my partner asked me where I wanted to go, I said there.

I bought quite a few things (and by me, I mean my boyfriend for me) but the one thing that is still going strong is The Pore-fessional. Anyone who knows Benefit knows this product and probably loves it. I still have some left (2 and a half years later, say what?!) and honestly I don't use it every day, usually for special occasions, but when I do it works a treat! 

So imagine my excitement as I was browsing through the website today and found this beauty: 

"Minimises shine and helps smooth the appearance of pores"
Why did I not know about this sooner? 
It suggests on the website using Oxygen Wow with this, along with the PORE-fessional for a flawless look. However the Oxygen Wow never really sat well with my skin, although the cover was beautiful it felt quite heavy.

The second thing from Benefit that I'm really looking forward to buying is Big Easy Complexion Perfecter. It says it's a liquid to powder. It has had rave reviews so far, so I really can't wait to add this to my make-up wish list and order on pay day!



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