"Kate" Rimmel London Lipstick Review

I've been drawn to these lipsticks since they were released, if anything just for the stylish tube they come in!
It looks pretty damn sexy for a tube. 

I bought this today for £5.50 from Tesco on my lunch break (idle hands!) and have just tried it when I got home now as I had a hella busy day!


This lipstick is beautiful. The colour I have is number 08 (not sure which one this is!) and it's a fantastic every day colour or something a bit sassy for a day out. 
It applies smoothly, the texture is beautiful and it does not feel sticky but soft. 
The colour is subtle. 
Also, it smells lovely, like sherbert! 


It transfers very easily and so wouldn't last very long. But I have not tried and tested how long this baby lasts, so I can update you on that one.
To be honest though, even if it doesn't last, I don't see this as a reason not to buy. 
I like applying lipstick, it makes me feel feminine and gives me something to do midday instead of just putting powder on my nose. 

The Verdict?

I'd buy it again and in different shades. It's also not expensive considering the brand and how beautiful it looks when it's on and the texture.
Give it a whirl, ladies!


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