Be Bold with Barry M

Be Bold with Barry M

I first discovered Barry M products about 4 years ago at University (I had a monthly make up splurge, it was terrific). I had started working in a bar and wanted to look extra razzle dazzle, and found Barry M eye shadow. I tend to go for dark colours around my eyes because it gives them the appearance of being a much lighter blue, makes them pop a bit more!
I wasn't disappointed and kept going back for more. 
I branched out in colours & products, setting my sites on the bold nail varnish colours that were provided.

The great thing about Barry M is that it lasts, it's bold and it's gutsy. The colours provided aren't always the ones you'd bee line for, but once you have it on, you feel fantastic. 

It's my go-to brand during summer months, you cannot go wrong with Barry M nail varnish for summer. I'm treating myself to their Matte Nail Varnish for Summer also, I have friends who use it and love it. It looks funky and it's different.

I would encourage anyone to dive into it. Even if the bright colours aren't your thing, experiment. It's worth it. 


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