Rimmel - Wake Me Up Foundation

Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation

I bought this foundation in winter last year, in my usual Ivory colour. However, when I'd applied it it just didn't seem to be as pale as I needed, so didn't wear it again.
After I discovered fake tan (queue the angelic music), I decided to try it out again. I don't go hella dark when I use my fake tan, so this colour, especially after contouring and some bronzer, looked fabulous.

What I really like about the Wake Me Up is that even though it's quite thick, it didn't feel like you're wearing paint on your face (which is always a bonus). 
I'm also a bit obsessive with smelling my foundations (huh? what? why?), because one time I splashed out and found the smell to be like a hospital bed. But this one smells very nice, more like a moisturiser than a foundation. 

It's SPF 15 which is great when my nose burns faster than... something that burns fast. 

I would recommend, but if you're very pale, be prepared to blend, blend, blend. Or fake tan, whichever is best! 

I haven't been fake tanning recently because I've been spending a lot of time swimming in the gym, which leaves me patchy or stripped of tan completely, which is why this beauty hasn't been touched in a while.

But I would highly recommend :)


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