Have you joined the Glossy Box nation?

You know that feeling when you go shopping, come home and you're trying everything on and you find that little thing at the bottom of the bag? You forgot you bought it and it's like you're buying it all over again when you discover it hiding beneath new jeans and tops.
It could be anything - that lipgloss you bought off hand, some earrings, a statement necklace - even a pair of tights that you think looked sexy!
Imagine getting that feeling every month.

That's how it feels when I get my Glossy Box. I forget I have it. And then it arrives, beautifully wrapped mid-month and it's like finding that special purchase at the bottom of your River Island bag.

Don't know what Glossy Box is? Why?!

Glossy Box is a stylishly wrapped box that arrives every month with beauty samples. It could be anything. Mascara, conditioner, perfume, nail varnish, the list goes on. Some are sample sizes, some are actual size. And this is where I find most of my beauty products.

You sign up and are asked questions about your colouring, hair colour, etc and a box is made specifically for what would suit you. There are a range of plans to try, from monthly to yearly, gift boxes, Special Edition Wedding boxes... and it's perfect if you just don't know where to start.

A lot of the products you'll see on my blog were sent by Glossybox and that's how my obsession began!

So why not treat yourself?


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